

Neurotoxin injections involve a series of small injections in order to relax targeted muscles, causing improvement or disappearance of lines created by activity of those muscles. Neurotoxin can also be used to sculpt certain areas of the face and neck to provide a more youthful appearance.

Dermal Filler

Dermal fillers are composed of hyaluronic acid, a natural substance in the body that maintains skin volume and hydration. As we age, the production of hyaluronic acid decreases, resulting in sagging or wrinkling of the skin. Fillers can be injected in many areas, including the lips, cheeks, chin, and many more, in order to restore volume and contour the face.


(Coming Soon) – Belkyra is a non-surgical injectable that aids in the permanent reduction of stubborn fat in the submental area (the double chin). It contains deoxycholic acid, a natural molecule that helps to destroy fat cells, which are then naturally removed through the lymphatic system. The result is a more refined, contoured chin profile. 

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